Thursday, May 17, 2012

New Webpage and Web Hosting

If you are reading this you have noticed that we have a blog on our website now.  Yay!  we finally got into the 21st century!  only 12 years after the changeover!

Our new webpage features a lot of things that we have been trying to accomplish.  The most significant is that we once again have a donation button on the website.  For the past few years we have not been able get it to work.  Now finally we have it working.  People can donate to us through paypal online.  We are hoping to get google wallet and possibly a regular credit card service set up here as well, so there will be more ways to help the refuge.

The second big feature is the blog.  Hopefully it will work right and you will all have this nice literate commentary  every week from the refuge  with updates and information.  If it all works correctly, you will be able to post comments and questions as well.   Be warned, this is a g rated  site, so not foul language etc, even if a subject we talk about is something truly bad for nature and animals.

We also hope to have more videos and bird sounds and even some educator downloads  in the near future.   So stay with us and keep watching as we get better and better!

1 comment:

  1. This is a test to see if I can comment from the AWR webpage. If is shows up the answer is yes!
