Wednesday, June 27, 2012

In the news

We have been in the news a lot lately.   It seems to come in bunches.   Last year (2011) we had no actual news articles, the year before we had several.  2010 we had articles about our possible location in Apex, and some news articles about  some of our rescues.  In 2009 we had very few if any articles.  2008 we had several articles about rescues and our organization in general.

This year  has started a new bunch of articles.  People seem to forget we are here  until they rediscover us every 2nd year.  This year, we have been mostly in the news this month.   We have been in a blog called " the Raleigh Raptors"  It is a photo book background blog for  a family of Raptors in downtown Raleigh NC ( )  We had an article and photos in the Wilson NC paper from our show at the Wilson county library.  Over 250 people attended that show. (WIlson times  "Who's in the library" last week)  We were also interviewed and had photos taken of our show at the Eva Perry Library in Apex NC by a Cary magazine.  The magazine says we will be in  a feature on animal education groups in the area.   We will be featured with 2 other groups.

Once again, we have garnered attention.   It is a good thing since we do not advertise.   Stories like this help get us  shows, and more shows mean more money to help the birds.

WTCC Class coming up - Begins July 12th

Just a reminder to anyone out there thinking of being part of AWR,  Our raptor rehab class starts July 12th .  This is a once a week  (thursday nights) class, with 3 optional live bird labs on Sunday afternoons.  If you want to be a volunteer for AWR, and want to work with the birds, this class is mandatory.

The class has a huge amount of information.  We have had licensed rehabbers and vets join it and say they learned a lot.  The class also applies towards your getting your federal license.  The NC Veterinary board gives  credit towards veterinary CEs for this class as well.  This is the 4th year this class has been taught at WTCC.  The class was taught at our location previous years (since 2003)

If you want to register  visit: , click register online, and in the search , use keyword " raptor ".

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Another Day, Another baby

Another Day, Another Baby

Yes, we have been busy.  Babies  have been coming in  pretty much every day.  Some are hurt, others are just lost and starved.  Oddly enough , the hurt ones we can do more for.

 Last week we got in several new youngsters.  of them, all but 3 were damaged badly.  We have one with eye trauma, 5 with broken wings, and 1 with severe wounds, probably from a cat.

And of course we also have some hurt adult birds.  All in all we have been on the road a lot getting hurt birds.  None of them seem to be nearby..  Most are at the edge of Wake County or just inside an adjacent county.  We are averaging $800 a month on gas for rescues.

We have sent about 16 birds to the large Carolina Raptor  center.  Those birds are ready for outside cages and CRC has more cages and LARGER cages than we have

Still, as a rule we do our best to care for birds we get in  until such tim as we are sure that they are beyond us,  Then we find others who have the facilities.  That does not mean we send out all birds. most birds are released (60%+-) or die (30%+-).

For a while, we will have babies.   Soon, those babies will be on their own, hopefully healthy and hopefully never to need us.